national award-winning survivor advocate


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“I prioritize Black people.”  This is how I respond when people ask me what I do.  I smile, look them square in the eye and say “I prioritize Black people.”  That unnerves the shit out of most people and I sometimes get a kick out of it.  They don’t know what to do with those 4 simple words.  Don’t know how to hold it.  So they fumble it around a bit.  Bouncing it off one knee and then another trying desperately to not let this conversation drop, but not quite sure how to keep it up in the air…without hurting themselves. 

“Oh, that’s interesting.  In what way?” This convo leads to a lot of what you will read in my bio so I can skip that.  Then we usually go around a bit more until we get to a lull in the conversation and I patiently wait while folks figure out how to ask the question that always seems too inappropriate to ask. 

“Why?” This is my favorite question.  My most favorite question in the world.

“Because anti-Blackness is our default.”  And…then that’s where the action starts.”
