It all started with a question.

Start By Talking (TM) is a national initiative and partner of The Swan Center for Advocacy & Research, Inc. that aims to encourage change through dialogue. By tackling some of our most controversial topics around oppression and racism, Start By Talking (TM) provides an evidence-based, no holds barred approach to unpacking anti-Black racism and oppression and its impact on Black people and marginalized folx of color. It allows those interested in self-reflection, guidance, and accountability to move from ally to accomplice in dismantling White Supremacy. One of the leading voices in this anti-violence movement, Wanda believes and teaches that violence cannot be ceased without first unraveling oppression.  The transformation from doing better to being better is a gap that can be explored in a 1:1 confidential or small group setting.  Wanda invites those folks struggling to find their place in this larger movement to fill out an application. 

“Ready to be better?  Start by talking.”


Level Up Executive COaching

The work of building capacity to unravel and interrogate the impact of whiteness and (specifically) anti-Blackness takes time.

Especially for White folx.

The desire to do so? Ooof...

That takes even longer.

That is what separates those who only wish there was something they could do from those who prioritize the responsibility of critiquing their role in sustaining White comfort.

These folks are why the #LevelUp Executive Coaching Program exists.

The #LevelUp Coaching Program consists of:

  • 48 weekly confidential sessions

  • Unlimited Email/Message support in-between sessions

  • 4 SOS sessions for Emergencies

  • 2 strategy sessions to support you in creating an anti-oppressive environment

    Are you ready to #LevelUp?

#LevelUp is an Executive Coaching Program.

1:1 Coaching

I work to assist people in achieving their goals around creating and/or sustaining healthy and realistic introspection around your understanding of race, racism, and oppression.  I work with you to achieve your goals of gaining clarity around obstacles that support covert and overt instances of anti-Black racism and/or oppression. I am not a licensed therapist or a fixer; instead I serve as a content expert and accountability partner to support you in building the emotional intelligence on this topic that you and those around you deserve.  While we will meet weekly for 60 minutes, I will also provide other opportunities for engagement and deeper reflection of your role in unraveling oppression.

I will challenge you to learn and face what form of racism exists within you and how that impacts your view of the world and people around you in the highest confidence. Our relationship will be one built on mutual respect, truth, patience, trust, and empathy. Coaching components include:

  • Weekly confidential sessions that unpack the Anti-Oppressive Advocacy Coaching Curriculum

  • Journal writing and in-session thought work

  • Examination of the Eight White Identities

  • Interrogation of forms of White Supremacy

  • Strategy for creating change within your sphere of influence

6-8 month coaching plans available!